Soal un bahasa inggris smp 2015 pdf
Soal un bahasa inggris smp 2015 pdf

soal un bahasa inggris smp 2015 pdf

In comparison to the images of the apparently fabulous social lives and careers of others on Instagram, they felt that their own lives “lacked meaning”. However, women who were slightly older (mid-20s) felt the inadequacy around their work and lifestyle. One of the key findings of her work so far is that younger female Instagram users in her study, late teens and early 20s, found that images on the app made them feel most badly about their bodies. The focus of her research is Instagram use among young women aged 18 to 25. Wanting to understand more about the issue and what could be done, Carmen began a Ph.D. With everyone sharing their ‘highlight reels’, Carmen observed, young women find it particularly hard to see their own lives or even their own bodies as good enough. In particular, social media was having a significant negative impacton her students’ mental health.For anyone who is a regular user of social media which is most of us these days, this won’t come as a surprise. Working as an educator, Carmen Papaluca observed a worrying trend with her students. New research out of Notre Dame is digging into why social media isn’t always good for us, especially if you’re young and female. Questions number 1 to 5 are based on the following text

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    Soal un bahasa inggris smp 2015 pdf